Nerve Leak – Just Produce and Play With Sounds

8 years ago

Hey Guys, Riley here

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the lack of an episode last week. I’ve been putting a lot of things into place to gear up for the launch of the Stonehall Sessions website and it required me to refresh the feed which took it down for a day. Anyways! That shouldn’t affect us going forward.

Episode 32 brings with it Nerve Leak, an artist who I’ve admired for sometime, and whose music I discovered randomly through soundcloud. For a little over a year I have been enthralled with the textures of his EP Disconnected, which mixes very cold electronics with acoustic guitar and vocal processing in a way similar to FKA Twigs or James Blake. The result is a collection of songs that are much more than the sum of their parts and wholly unique.

Talking to Sam was fun in that it quickly became apparent that we were both just two music nerds who also happened to use ableton. While I’ve trimmed it down to just over an hour, the interview itself lasted 3, as we meandered into topics such as the legacy of the House of Balloons to how Yeezus is an almost perfect album to how cheap rent is in Montreal. Maybe someday I’ll release the full interview. But until then, please enjoy listening to one of my favourite producers talk about his craft.

Episode 32, Nerve Leak. I think you’re going to enjoy it.

Copyright 2017 Riley Byrne